Red Circute India Pvt Ltd


Security is one of our most critical business needs. Physical security will always be an important barrier against enterprise theft, vandalism and violence. Cybersecurity continues to be top organizational concern as businesses face a persistent and growing cyber threat.

Today’s security systems integrator deploys a variety of evolving products and services to protect businesses, so it’s understandably hard to fully grasp their role. Even as the technology changes, integrators’ main objective remains the same: to seamlessly coordinate and link various security subsystems to counter ever-increasing physical and cyber threats.

They do this by leveraging hardware, software, networks, hybrid IT solutions and specialized security equipment. Most have expertise installing and managing access control elements like gates, doors, locks; video surveillance systems; emergency notification systems, lighting; network security and more.

Finding a security systems integrator is not hard. Finding the right one for you may take a little time, but your security is worth it. Lost downtime, disastrous data breaches and physical threats can destroy your business. On the flip side, you’ll see the ROI in saved data, continuous uptime and overall company credibility.

Benefits of hiring Red Circute India Pvt Ltd:

  • Assess your security and system integration needs with your input
  • Devise a comprehensive and holistic security system to address your needs, informed by the use of your current system
  • Install hardware, software, networks or other required equipment
  • Custom build additional systems if needed
  • Train the people that will manage the system at your company
  • Provide continuous assessments, upgrades, maintenance and service
Red Circute Access Control


Access Control Systems

Access control systems are usually electronic security systems that give physical access to a person who is authorized to use that facility. To gain access, they typically use an identifier such as an access card to enter certain restricted areas. The system also maintains a log of who accessed the facility and when and who provided the authorization and thus provides valuable data to the businesses and helps track how access is gained in and out of the facility.

Biometric Access Control

Biometric access control systems are redefining the future of business security across the planet. The high-precision data gathering, identification, and verification capabilities of these systems have made them a crucial and integral part of many industries worldwide.  With the ever-improving technology and the need for high security, biometric access control system comes across as a very necessary system in helping provide security to businesses of varying sizes and scales.

Red Circute Biometric Access
Red Circute CCTV cameras


CCTV Cameras

The need for surveillance of the property, business premises, and personnel either at the location or from a remote location is facilitated by installing a CCTV security surveillance system. You can take control of key areas which hold valuable equipment, goods, products, or data information. Through this, you can know who has had access to these areas and take the required action.


Commercial Electrical Wiring & Installations

Electrical installations that are required in offices, buildings, hospitals, malls, schools, small industries, etc. are known as commercial electrical installations. These include installations of heavy-duty electrical wires, air conditioning systems, lighting, elevators, escalators, sound system, motors, machinery, hospital equipment to name a few important ones.

Commercial Wiring
EPABX Systems


EPABX stands for Electronic Private Automatic Branch Exchange. It is a business communication system that has transformed the world of business.  Communication is very important in business and decisions made on a day-to-day basis must be conveyed to the persons concerned. 

This system has proven to be of immense benefit within offices and has made routine calling work simpler.  It acts as a private telephone exchange that switches calls both internally and externally. 


Fire Alarm Systems

Fire alarm systems are very essential for the safety of life and property in any building. It is very important that all the components of this system work together for an efficient fire alarm system. Whether it is a commercial, residential, or industrial facility, a fire alarm system goes a long way in protecting the lives of people. The role of the fire alarm activation devices is to detect fire/smoke when it occurs and activate the alarm system.

Fire alarm systems
GPS Navigation System

GPS Systems

GPS, or the Global Positioning System, is a global navigation satellite system developed by the US military that provides location, velocity, and time synchronization.   

GPS is everywhere. It is found in your smartphone, your car, your watch, and your wearables.  It provides navigation to help you travel from point A to point B with all the possible alternate routes too. Its applications are numerous

Home Automation

Home automation refers to controlling all electronic devices in your home automatically.  Advances in technology and widespread use of the internet have enabled these devices to connect to the internet and be controlled remotely. 

Smart devices can trigger one another and hence there is no need to control them manually.  Home automation has made life more convenient and also saves you a lot of money on electricity bills, heating, cooling, and providing you security.

Home Automation
Internet of Things


Internet of Things

The Internet of Things is a system consisting of computing devices, computers, mechanical and digital machines and equipment, people, animals, or objects that are assigned a unique identifier and have can transfer data over the network. All this is done without human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction requirement. Each component of the system is assigned an Internet Protocol (IP) address which is able to transfer data over a network of connected devices.


Intruder Alarm System

An Intruder Alarm System, also known as a Burglar alarm is a security system designed to detect any unauthorized and forceful entry into a home, office, building, or area. It consists of a different array of sensors, a control panel, and an alerting or notification system, all of which are interconnected either through wire or wirelessly through the internet.

Intruder Alarm Systems

Network Infrastructure

Today’s networks are a bit complex and consist of many computers linked to each other. Systems with more than ten computers usually use client-server networks. Here, a central computer system known as a server provides resources to all other connected systems in the network; they are known as clients. The main task of a network is to provide all clients (individual computers or devices) with a single platform for exchanging data and sharing resources. This task enables the smooth functioning of everyday life in a modern world and it would be not possible without networks.

Uninterrupted Power Supply – UPS

You can’t find many businesses that can function without electricity.  Everything seems right with every aspect of your business until the power goes off.

Lights go off, the machines come to a halt, medical equipment shows no sign of life, the screens darken, and overall productivity comes to a grinding halt.  Do you really want such a scenario or have a failsafe power backup plan?

Video Door Phone

Video Door Phone

With the advent of video door phones, you can be rest assured that there is something that keeps a constant vigil to protect your home. The old traditional way of hiring a security guard or keeping a watchdog is a thing of the past if you want to adopt technology as a security measure. Besides being comparatively affordable, it provides a plethora of benefits which makes is worth installing at your home for enhanced security.

Submit your details along with your phone number in the Details Box and we will call you to fix an appointment.

We look forward to meeting you in person and getting started with providing you customized system integration solutions for your business.

Have a wonderful day.

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